4 houseplants that should be kept away from dogs
Dogs tend to chew and nibble on anything and everything they come across. But this habit can be rather dangerous when it comes to plants. Certain plants contain toxic elements and can lead to severe symptoms and make your pet pooch ill. Dogs do not know which plants can be toxic to them, and therefore, it is safe to just remove or avoid having such plants in your household. Read on to find out more. Aloe vera Aloe is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Not to mention, it can work wonders for your skin and makes for a great indoor plant. But, what many do not know is that aloe vera can be toxic to dogs. This is because of the saponins in the succulents. Consuming even small amounts of the aloe vera plant and gel can cause severe poisoning in dogs. It can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even cause general central nervous system depression. Sago palm Another popular houseplant that is toxic to dogs is the sago palm. Commonly known as cardboard palm or coontie palm, this plant contains the toxic element cycasin. Consuming even small amounts of any part of this plant can lead to poisoning and cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even liver failure.