Symptoms, causes, and therapies for UTIs
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common condition where bacteria enters the urethra and infects the urinary tract of individuals. This bacteria is found on the skin or enters through the rectum, resulting in infection in the tract. The bladder infection, called cystitis, is one of the most common UTIs. UTIs are curable with the right care given at the right time. Here are some key details about this health condition: UTI symptoms One can detect UTI on the basis of certain typical symptoms of the conditions, including: Burning sensation during urination Due to the bladder getting infected, it becomes particularly painful to urinate. Pain during urination is one of the earliest signs that a person is developing a UTI within their body. People who experience this symptom should not ignore it, as the disease can cause serious health issues, especially if the bacteria travels to the kidneys. Constant urge to urinate Studies have found that a UTI tends to put pressure on the bladder, resulting in the need to empty the bladder immediately. However, when affected individuals go to the toilet to relieve themselves, they are unable to urinate much or at all in some cases. Causes of UTIs A urinary tract infection can be caused by various factors.