Rheumatoid arthritis – Foods to avoid

Rheumatoid arthritis – Foods to avoid

Arthritis is a condition that causes severe pain and stiffness in the joints. Its types are varied but widely divided into two categories – inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis. The degree of stiffness or inflammation is affected by many factors, the primary being the food you eat. Its symptoms can be managed by limiting foods that trigger inflammation. Here are seven things rheumatoid arthritis patients should avoid.

Foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids
The intake of excess foods with omega-6 fatty acids can trigger inflammation in arthritis. These foods are soybeans, corn, safflower, sunflower, canola oils, nuts, and meat. It is best to switch to mono-saturated fats like olive oil and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, or cod to provide the body with healthy calories.

Excessive sugar
Patients with arthritis should limit the consumption of excessive sugar items such as candy, ketchup, barbecue sauce, soda, chocolates, and pastries. Sugar flares the release of cytokines, a form of protein in the body that results in inflammation. Avoid forms of sugar like corn syrup, fructose, maltose, and sucrose. One should also limit the intake of certain carbonated or fizzy drinks. They contain high levels of phosphoric acid, which promotes calcium excretion through urine. Satisfy your sugar cravings with prunes, cranberries, or other antioxidant-rich foods.

Salty foods
Limit the consumption of excessive salt in food. Studies have shown that people with high sodium intake are more prone to autoimmune diseases like arthritis. Cut back on pizza, canned soup, certain cheeses, and packaged foods like chips. Avoid processed meats like turkey, ham, and hot dogs as well. One can replace sodium with other spices such as pepper, oregano, cumin, onion powder, or any other seasoning mix that excludes salt.

Gluten-rich foods
Gluten is a protein commonly found in wheat, rye, and barley. It may trigger inflammation in a few patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Its effects can be more severe in patients who are also diagnosed with autoimmune disorders like celiac disease.

AGE products
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) contribute to the formation of inflammatory compounds that settle around the tissues. These products exist naturally in various forms of uncooked animal food. Any kind of fried, roasted, grilled, seared, or broiled animal food like bacon, chicken, grilled steak, hot dogs, and even mayonnaise, American cheese, and margarine should be avoided.

Processed foods
Pre-packaged snacks and items are loaded with empty calories and trans fats. Transfat decreases good cholesterol levels and increases inflammation in the body. Certain fast foods such as breakfast cereals and baked items contain high levels of sugar, salt, and refined grains which may trigger arthritis symptoms.

Nightshade vegetables
According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, limiting nightshade vegetables can lessen rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in certain people. Tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, eggplant, and potatoes are vegetables that fall under this category. It is advisable to avoid the consumption of the mentioned foods for a few weeks and eventually reintroduce them slowly.

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